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Hundreds of thousands of species are endangered. The agenda for the protection of biodiversity is long, and we don’t have much time.

We are at a turning point in history

Where to begin? Regulating global warming, modifying agriculture, creating protected zones, fighting poverty are all huge tasks. But even the planned research and conservation of species through captive breeding is a part of this. While the possible contribution of individuals is soberingly small, conservation breeding offers the opportunity to make a significant contribution even as an individual.

In the last decades, zoos have achieved a lot, but they will not be able to stop the breathtaking dynamics of the 21st century’s wave of extinction alone. At the same time, the commitment of many voluntary breeders is rarely used to arrange coordinated programs.


The increasing urbanization encourages the alienation of man and nature. Non-fact-based, ideological concepts on the human-animal relationship are spreading, particularly in urban milieus. The societal consensus for rational approaches to the protection of animals and entire species is diminishing.

Animal Transportation

In a globalized world, the transportation of animals brings with it the fundamental threat of the spread of diseases. Overuse and smuggle can endanger wild species, a lack of expertise leads to animal protection issues.


Lack of access to information leads to mistakes in breeding. Poor transparency and coordination hinder effectiveness and efficiency in the protection of species. Knowledge and practical experience, especially from regional initiatives, are often insufficiently evaluated and published.


The increasing urbanization encourages the alienation of man and nature. Non-fact-based, ideological concepts on the human-animal relationship are spreading, particularly in urban milieus. The societal consensus for rational approaches to the protection of animals and entire species is diminishing.

Animal Transportation

In a globalized world, the transportation of animals brings with it the fundamental threat of the spread of diseases. Overuse and smuggle can endanger wild species, a lack of expertise leads to animal protection issues.


Lack of access to information leads to mistakes in breeding. Poor transparency and coordination hinder effectiveness and efficiency in the protection of species. Knowledge and practical experience, especially from regional initiatives, are often insufficiently evaluated and published.

Citizen Conservation combines the scientific and technical Know-How of zoos with the experience of dedicated breeders in a joint program. In this way, the capacities of conservation breeding are drastically increased. At the same time, Citizen Conservation offers the opportunity to propagate a contemporary image of the human-animal relationship as a responsible ethical environmental education program and to anchor it in the middle of society.

At Citizen Conservation, science and civil society support a common cause

The goal is to establish a conservation breeding program that is supported by civil society. It is open to anyone who shares the vision of Citizen Conservation. The positive effects of a growing Citizen Conservation conservation breeding program are not limited to the animals kept in the program.

New Generations

Citizen Conservation promotes animal welfare and introduces a new generation of conservationists to the skill of breeding.

Market influence

The marketing of surplus animals by Citizen Conservation helps contain the negative consequences of legal and illegal animal trade.

Bio Security

Regular veterinary examinations ensure a high health status for the animals.