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Supporting CC
Become a part of species conservation. Your donation will help us develop the Citizen Conservation breeding program.
Become a part of species conservation. Your donation will help us develop the Citizen Conservation breeding program.
To continue developing our projects, we appreciate every donation!
Competently breeding and caring for animals is a big responsibility – and a necessary one. Citizen Conservation (CC) is a network of private and professional breeders. The program was created by zoo employees, scientists, and private enthusiasts that are all convinced it is high time to join forces and tackle the challenge of species extinction. By supporting these people, you will help Citizen Conservation take off.
There's one thing each and every one of us can do
This is as easy as it is hard to face. We need to admit to ourselves that it has become impossible for us to preserve great numbers of animal species in the wild. We live in the Anthropocene Epoch and we humans are everywhere. “The wild” has ceased to exist, however much we wish for the contrary. In order to sustainably work against the mass extinction of species, we need to engage in conservational breeding and further expand Citizen Conservation. Fighting extinction together.
Become a CC Sponsor for 40 Euros a year
Establishing coordinated conservational breeding for threatened species is a key concern of Citizen Conservation. With our partner Frogs & Friends, we have therefore initiated sponsorships through which you can directly engage in the support of our work against species extinction.
As a special Thank You for each yearly sponsorship, we will deliver you a high-quality, illustration or photo print in a picture mount, each numbered and in limited edition.
And it’s as simple as this: send an email to patenschaft |at| frogs-friends.org including your address and your preferred motif and transfer your donation to:
Citizen Conservation
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
Keyword “Sponsorship” + your name
IBAN: DE38 4306 0967 1271 7068 00
You may also use PayPal.
As soon as the money is registered, we will send out your picture gift.
Thank You for Sponsorship – 19 motifs to choose from!

No. 1: European Tree Frog(Hyla arborea)
© Jonas Lieberknecht(A6 postcard format in picture mount)

No. 2: European Green Toad(Bufotes viridis)
© Jonas Lieberknecht(A6 postcard format in picture mount)

No. 3: Common Water Frog(Pelophylax esculentus)
© Jonas Lieberknecht(A6 postcard format in picture mount)

No. 4: Bony-headed Toad(Ingerophrynus galeatus)
© Jonas Lieberknecht(A6 postcard format in picture mount)

No. 5: Lake Patzquaro Salamander(Ambystoma dumerilii)
© Jonas Lieberknecht(A6 postcard format in picture mount)

No. 6: Demonic Poison Frog(Minyobates steyermaki)
© Jonas Lieberknecht(A6 postcard format in picture mount)

No. 7: Lemur Leaf Frog(Agalychnis lemur)
© Jonas Lieberknecht(A6 postcard format in picture mount)

No. 8: Vietnamese Crocodile Newt(Tylototriton vietnamensis)
© Jonas Lieberknecht(A6 postcard format in picture mount)

No. 9: Fire Salamander(Salamandra salamandra)
© Jonas Lieberknecht(A6 postcard format in picture mount)

No. 10: Golden Poison Dart Frog(Phyllobates terribilis)
© Björn Encke(15 x 20 in a A4 picture mount)

No. 11: Glass Frog from above(Hylalinobatrachium aureogutatum)
© Peter Gröne(15 x 20 in a A4 picture mount)

No. 12: Glass Frog from below(Hylalinobatrachium aureogutatum)
© Peter Gröne(15 x 20 in a A4 picture mount)

No. 13: Mallorcan Midwife Toad(Alytes muletensis)
© Jonas Lieberknecht(A6 postcard format in picture mount)

No. 14: Golden Poison Frog(Phyllobates terribilis)
© Jonas Lieberknecht(A6 postcard format in picture mount)

No. 15: Titicaca Water Frog(Telmatobius culeus)
© Jonas Lieberknecht(A6 postcard format in picture mount)

No. 16: Mangarahara Cichlid(Ptychochromis insolitus)
© Jonas Lieberknecht(A6 postcard format in picture mount)

No. 17: Madagascan Rainbowfish(Bedotia madagascariensis)
© Jonas Lieberknecht(A6 postcard format in picture mount)

No. 18: Nosy Be Cichlid(Ptychochromis oligacanthus)
© Jonas Lieberknecht(A6 postcard format in picture mount)

No 19: Rio Pescado Harlequin Toad(Atelopus balios)
© Jonas Lieberknecht(A6 postcard format in picture mount)
Collection & sponsorship duration
There will be new motifs on a regular basis – you can start your own collection. Of course you may also sign up for more than one sponsorship.
We will not renew sponsorships, so you don’t need to cancel. You decide if you want to support us for more than a year, for example by setting up a standing bank order.
Our financing
The basic funding for Citizen Conservation is provided by the three shareholders: the Association of Zoological Gardens, Frogs & Friends and the German Society for Herpetology and Herpetoculture – as well as financial support from various partners. More information on our organisation page.
However, we are dependent on donations for the further and sustainable expansion of the programme. Every donation helps!
Most of our finances are spent on:
Our donation account
Citizen ConservationGLS Gemeinschaftsbank eGDE38 4306 0967 1271 7068 00BIC: GENODEM1GLS

Our donation account
Citizen ConservationGLS Gemeinschaftsbank eGDE38 4306 0967 1271 7068 00BIC: GENODEM1GLS

Help us start a movement
Thousands of species are on the verge of extinction. Zoos cannot save them all on their own. That’s why Citizen Conservation wants to start a movement everyone can become a part of! Experienced breeders can support programs for highly endangered and rare species, while newcomers can breed less demanding species. They all send a message to the world about the threat to biodiversity, with the best ambassadors possible: themselves! Every donation helps us:
- build stable populations of endangered species in captivity
- respond quickly in acute crisis situations, such as the outbreak of a deadly disease
- take away the business foundation of illegal wildlife trade
- promote the cause of endangered species
We appreciate every donation, as they all help us continue to develop our projects. Of course, we are happy to issue receipts for your tax-deductible contributions. Please let us know if you need one.