
Citizen Conservation was founded to make a countable contribution in the fight against species extinction.


Citizen Conservation was founded to make a countable contribution in the fight against species extinction.


The threatening acceleration of species extinction on our planet is one of the great challenges humanity is facing. Coordinated research and captive breeding is an essential element if we are to halt this trend. We still know far too little about many factors of coexistence within habitats to effectively protect these habitats. Understanding species offers a key to this. Where we fail temporarily or completely to conserve habitats, species will be able to persist in human care alone. We bear responsibility for the future of life on Earth.

Zoos, research institutions and many dedicated private owners have always been committed to the protection of animals and species. In Citizen Conservation, they join forces to counter the new dimension of the threat with a powerful set of instruments. In Citizen Conservation bündeln sie ihre Kräfte, um der neuen Dimension der Bedrohung ein leistungsfähiges Instrumentarium entgegenzusetzen.


As a non-profit limited liability company, the Citizen Conservation Foundation pursues exclusively idealistic goals. The articles of association state that the aim is “to contribute to the fight against global species extinction, with a focus on the coordinated conservation breeding in captivity.” Started in 2018 as a joint project of Frogs & Friends, with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde (DGHT) and the Verband der Zoologischen Gärten (VdZ) the non-profit limited liability company was founded in 2022 with the three initiators as shareholders.


Citizen Conservation is open to all institutions and people who are committed to animal and species conservation and see the current wave of extinction as a challenge for society as a whole.

The following partners contribute financially to the development of Citizen Conservation: Kölner Zoo AG, Zoologischer Garten Basel AG, Zoologischer Garten Augsburg GmbH, Deutsche Tierpark-Gesellschaft e.V. (DTG), Zoologisch-Botanischer Garten Stuttgart (Wilhelma).

The following cooperation partners support Citizen Conservation with benefits for CC participants: Six feet to eat.

Supporters 25,000 euros

Supporters 10,000 euros

Supporters 5,000 euros

Cooperation partners

Organizational structure

The shareholders’ meeting, formally the highest body of the gGmbH, is composed of the respective chairmen of the associations, namely Prof. Dr. Jörg Junhold, PD Dr. Mark-Oliver Rödel, Dr. Markus Monzel and Marco Schulz.
A supervisory board chaired by Dr. Tim Schikora (Director of Schwerin Zoo) was established as a controlling body, in which, in addition to representatives of the shareholders, other key content and financial partners are given a voice.
The operational business is run under a management agreement in joint operation between Frogs & Friends and Citizen Conservation under the management of Björn Encke.

The Scientific Advisory Board serves to support the management in the professional and entrepreneurial development of CC. In addition to various individuals, it also includes the respective advisory boards for the individual animal groups. These are composed of private and institutional experts and are significantly involved in the selection of species as well as the design of the CC programs.

Members of the Supervisory Board and Advisory Board of CC

Mitglieder des Aufsichtsrates
Dr. Tim Schikora (Vorsitzender)Direktor Zoo Schwerin, Schatzmeister VdZ (Verband der Zoologischen Gärten)
Saskia Kress (stellvertr. Vorsitzende)Geschäftsführerin Filmtank GmbH, Geschäftsführerin Interactive Media Foundation
Dr. Markus MonzelPräsident DGHT (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde)
Marco SchulzSchatzmeister DGHT (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde)
Dr. Stephan Hering-HagenbeckDirektor Tiergarten Schönbrunn
PD Dr. Mark-Oliver RödelVorsitzender Frogs & Friends
Gert EmmrichPräsident DTG (Deutsche Tierparkgesellschaft)
Dr. Olivier PaganDirektor Zoologischer Garten Basel
Mitglieder des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats
Volker EnnenbachInhaber Tropenparadies Oberhausen
Alexander KühnenCEO Bahlsen GmbH & Co KG
Dr. Arne SchulzeGeschäftsführer ZGAP (Zoologische Gesellschaft für Arten- und Populationsschutz e.V.)
Dr. Tobias KohlGeschäftsführer Stiftung Artenschutz
Matt GoetzKurator Durrel Wildlife Conservation Trust/Jersey
Fachbeirat Amphibien
Prof. Dr. Thomas ZieglerKurator Aquarium & Koordinator Naturschutzprojekte Kölner Zoo
PD Dr. Tobias EisenbergFachtierarzt für Mikrobiologie Abteilungsleiter Veterinärmedizin, Hessisches Landeslabor, Gießen
Dr. Karl-Heinz JungferPrivathalter
Dr. Axel KwetGeschäftsführer DGHT (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde)
Dr. Joachim NerzPrivathalter
Fachbeirat Fische
Anton WeissenbacherKurator Tiergarten Schönbrunn
Stefan InselmannProject Manager Sander Aqua Design
Ariel JackenSeniorkurator Zoo Leipzig
David KasihKurator 1000-Arten-Projekt
Dr. Holger KrausKurator Exotarium Zoo Zürich
Benjamin WildenProjektleiter Paroshpromenus Project
Stefan Karl HetzWissenschaftlicher Fachreferent Heimtiere und Internationale Beziehungen beim ZZF (Zentralverband Zoologischer Fachbetriebe e.V.)
Fachbeirat Reptilien
Dr. Philipp WagnerArtenschutz-Kurator Allwetterzoo Münster
Markus AuerSammlungsmanager/-techniker, Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden
Gregor GeislerPrivathalter und Tierarzt
Felix HulbertPrivathalter & Mitarbeiter Zoo Frankfurt
Christian LangnerLeiter Internationales Zentrum für Schildkrötenschutz, Allwetterzoo Münster
Thomas LindnerPrivathalter & selbstständiger herpetologischer Gutachter
Anna RauhausReviertierpflegerin Terrarium Kölner Zoo
Fabian SchmidtKurator Zoo Basel

The key on the stairs. Nothing works without professional expertise. At CC’s annual advisory board meeting, experts from the various subject areas discuss and exchange ideas. During the year, consultations are usually held online in smaller groups. © Tillmann Konrad


Citizen Conservation Foundation gGmbH
Reichenberger Street 88
10999 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0) 30 92 10 13-223
Mail: info |at|


    Citizen Conservation Foundation gGmbH
    Reichenberger Street 88
    10999 Berlin

    Phone: +49 (0) 30 92 10 13-223
    Mail: info |at|