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Idea & Goals

The fight against species extinction is a job for society as a whole. Time is running out. Anyone can participate and make a significant contribution.

Breeding saves species

Humanity is causing the current global wave of species extinction. However, we still have the chance to reverse this, if we all work together. The establishment of healthy populations through captive breeding is an essential tool in the fight against extinction.

Citizen Conservation is a network of professional and private breeders. It combines breeding programs designed according to current scientific knowledge with the willingness of people to actively participate in the conservation of biodiversity. Citizen Conservation turns citizens into conservationists: raising awareness, motivating people to get directly involved and bringing together different areas of expertise to make a significant contribution to biodiversity conservation.

Creation of Reserves

Many species can only survive if we manage to establish stable and healthy populations early on through captive breeding.

Gaining Knowledge

Insights into the way animals live are key to understanding ecosystems and implementing effective measures to conserve species.

Capacity Expansion

The existing zoological institutions do not have enough capacity to meet the ever growing need for coordinated breeding programs.

Citizen Conservation means acting with concrete results

The captive breeding of species for conservation should be promoted and supported through the cooperation of private and professional breeders within the framework of Citizen Conservation. Citizen Conservation’s lead partners, Frogs & Friends e.V., the Association of Zoological Gardens (VdZ) and the German Society for Herpetology and Herpetoculture (DGHT) guarantee the competent and responsible development of the program. Citizen Conservation shows that you can take action and shows you how: by supporting the expansion of Citizen Conservation or by personally breeding endangered species.

The expansion of its capacities allows Citizen Conservation to:

  • Build up stable populations of endangered species through captive breeding
  • React quickly in acute crisis situations, such as the outbreak of deadly epidemics
  • Undermine the business of illegal wildlife trade
  • Promote the cause of endangered species

If we want to set something in motion, we need a movement

Citizen Conservation wants to be a movement - anyone can join!

Experienced breeders support programs for highly endangered and rare species. But even beginners can get involved by breeding less demanding species. They all send a message to the world about the threat to biodiversity, with the best ambassadors possible: themselves!

Anna Rauhaus and her team have bred and fostered the reproduction of nearly twenty amphibian species in a special breeding space in Cologne Zoo. Of them, the Bony-Headed Toad, is endangered in its homeland, Vietnam.

Karl-Heinz Jungfer has been nursing amphibians since he was 12 years old. His area of expertise: the frogs of Latin America. For Citizen Conservation, he is breeding the Demonic Poison Frog from Venezuela, whose habitat is threatened by local mining.

Doris Preininger and Thomas Wampula from Schönbrunn Zoo in Vienna are taking global action for endangered Amphibians. For Citizen Conservation, they are nursing the Lake Pátzcuaro Salamander, a relative of the Axolotl.


Anna Rauhaus and her team have bred and fostered the reproduction of nearly twenty amphibian species in a special breeding space in Cologne Zoo. Of them, the Bony-Headed Toad, is endangered in its homeland, Vietnam.

Karl-Heinz Jungfer has been nursing amphibians since he was 12 years old. His area of expertise: the frogs of Latin America. For Citizen Conservation, he is breeding the Demonic Poison Frog from Venezuela, whose habitat is threatened by local mining.

Doris Preininger and Thomas Wampula from Schönbrunn Zoo in Vienna are taking global action for endangered Amphibians. For Citizen Conservation, they are nursing the Lake Pátzcuaro Salamander, a relative of the Axolotl.

Citizen Conservation is open to all who feel connected to the protection of species

Through our conservation breeding program and a broad campaign, we can succeed in giving captive breeding the relevance it deserves and needs: as the undisputed force in the fight against species extinction, right in the midst of society.

Questions & Opinions

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Citizen Conservation’s mission?

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