Half-year report 2 2019

Biannual report 2 / 2019 – status update

November 22, 2019In Semi-annual reports


Protecting species - Animal inventory November 1st, 2019

One year ago, when the Vienna Zoo transferred 56 specimens of the critically endangered Lake Pátzcucaro Salamander, we started with the actual implementation of the conservational breeding program Citizen Conservation. The animals were allocated to terrarium owners and zoos, in consistence with the CC philosophy that private and professional keepers should work hand in hand against species extinction.

First of their kind

Until today, five species are supervised by CC. They stand for different kinds of amphibian groups, habitats and situations of endangerment. At the reference date of November 1st 2019, 136 amphibians are in care of participating zoos, school vivaria and private terrarium owners.

More founding specimens welcome

Of all five projects more founding specimens are to be included into the program. In case of the Almanzor Fire Salamander and the Bony-Headed Toad, additional animals from Uwe Seidel and the Cologne Zoo will be included. As for the Demonic Poison Frog and the Lemur Leaf Frog, we are looking for more supplying sources in order to expand the genetic base of the CC population.

More species are waiting

A few months ago, the Cologne Zoo was first to succeed in breeding the Vietnamese Crocodile Newt Tylototriton vietnamensis. Thomas Ziegler, curator in charge, transferred some of the progeny back to the breeding station Me Linh in Vietnam. Another 12 specimen will be transferred to Citizen Conservation, in order to build a European reserve population. More species are planned to be added in 2020 – some only for real specialists, but others also for conscientious beginners and school zoos.

Animal numbers at the end of 2019

(You can scroll horizontally in the table.)

Wiss. NameDt. NameBestand Tiere (m/w/u)Anzahl HaltungenTodesfälle 11/18 – 10/19 (m/w/u)Zugänge Nachzucht
11/18 – 10/19
Zugänge extern 11/18 – 10/19 (m/w/u)Ziel (Tiere, Halter)Status*
Agalychnis lemurLemur-Laubfrosch10 (0/0/10)10010 (0/0/10)225, 403 %
Ambystoma dumeriliiPátzcuaro-Querzahnmolch47 (8/5/34)612 (1/0/11)059 (9/5/45)225, 4018 %
Ingerophrynus galeatusKnochenkopfkröte18 (0/0/18)31 (0/0/1)018 (0/0/18)225, 408 %
Minyobates steyermarkiTafelberg-Baumsteiger5 (0/0/5)1008 (0/0/8)110, 204 %
Salamandra sal. almanzorisAlmanzor-Feuersalamander36 (0/0/36)91 (0/0/1)037 (0/0/37)185, 3025 %

m: male, w: female, u: undetermined sex
* Status = mean value of the percentage of the target number of keepers already achieved and the target number of animals