Feuersalamander.NET – Network for native salamanders

On the initiative of Citizen Conservation, representatives from nature and species conservation, wildlife husbandry and research are coming together to bundle ex-situ and in-situ measures across national borders.

News from the Citizen Conservation Blog

Halbjahresbilanz 1 2022

Semi-annual report 1 / 2022 – the animal stock report is here

Citizen Conservation is nearing the end of its five-year pilot phase. During this time, we wanted to “show that it works”.

Creature Podcast

Species conservation for Listening – Creature Podcast season 3

Creature Podcast enters Season 3: Well-known individuals from all ranges of civil society lend their voices to a great cause

2nd half-year report 2021

Biannual report 2 / 2021 – status update

The growth continues: Citizen Conservation was able to expand its animal population again in the period of April to October 2021.

Pfarrer Ole Dorst Krötenschützer

A pastor as toad conservationist

Ole Dost - a Protestand pastor and biologist - became a toad conservationist on a bike tour in Mallorca: in the course of saving a critically endangered toad.

Half-year report 1 2021

Biannual report 1 / 2021 – status update

A second six months under the Corona crisis – a species conservation program is suffering from lockdowns, too.

Fire salamander movie

Death in the forest – our fire salamander documentary

A tragedy is also happening in our native hardwood forests. An introduced fungal disease is killing all fire salamanders that cross its path. Our fire salamander movie about the fungal disease