
More animal welfare, not a positive list!

Citizen Conservation signs joint position paper of key stakeholders on the amendment of the German Animal Welfare Act.

News from the Citizen Conservation Blog

The picture shows the Citizen Conservation advisory boards at the 2024 advisory board meeting.

Berlin Kreuzberg nights … and the days! CC Advisory Board Meeting 2024

A weekend for species conservation: the advisory and supervisory boards of Citizen Conservation met in Berlin to exchange ideas and discuss strategy.

Halbjahresbilanz 2023 Half-year report 2023

Citizen Conservation: 2nd half-year report 2023

New CC species, the first CC reptile and for some species we are approaching our target numbers – the second half-year report 2023 as at 1 September is here.

Artenschutz Aquarium

Species conservation in aquariums

The keeping and breeding of fish in aquariums has a long tradition in Germany, with species conservation becoming increasingly important.

Half-year report 1 2023

Biannual report 1 / 2023 – Our animal numbers

May 22nd is the International Day of Biodiversity - and for Citizen Conservation the occasion to present the balance of our contribution to its preservation.

Wie baut man eine Arche für Feuersalamander

Building an arch for the fire salamander

You may have noticed that the fire salamander in Germany is not only struggling with changes to its habitat. A fungus is threatening it, too.

Together for species conservation – first CC meeting in Berlin

Together for species conservation – first CC plenary convention in Berlin

From Jan. 19-21, 2023, 35 high-level professionals met at Citizen Conservation's invitation to debate the expansion of our conservation breeding program. New to the meeting: reptiles.