
Feuersalamander.NET – Network for native salamanders

On the initiative of Citizen Conservation, representatives from nature and species conservation, wildlife husbandry and research are coming together to bundle ex-situ and in-situ measures across…

The picture shows the Citizen Conservation advisory boards at the 2024 advisory board meeting.

Berlin Kreuzberg nights … and the days! CC Advisory Board Meeting 2024

A weekend for species conservation: the advisory and supervisory boards of Citizen Conservation met in Berlin to exchange ideas and discuss strategy.

Artenschutz Aquarium

Species conservation in aquariums

The keeping and breeding of fish in aquariums has a long tradition in Germany, with species conservation becoming increasingly important.

Together for species conservation – first CC meeting in Berlin

Together for species conservation – first CC plenary convention in Berlin

From Jan. 19-21, 2023, 35 high-level professionals met at Citizen Conservation's invitation to debate the expansion of our conservation breeding program. New to the meeting: reptiles.