The same procedure as every year? At least in future, because our annual reports will now be published once a year rather than every two years. Another innovation: CC is also represented on the front page from this year onwards, after CC was transformed into an independent business form last year. CC has grown out of its childhood, so to speak. However, as many areas continue to overlap with our shareholder Frogs Friends and both organisations will be managed jointly for the time being, we will continue to publish a joint double annual report.
First CC annual Advisory Board meeting
At the first annual Advisory Board meeting of the Citizen Conservation Foundation gGmbH, as CC has been officially known since its spin-off, two new Advisory Board groups were established in January – the Advisory Board for Fish and the Advisory Board for Reptiles. In addition to the first four reptile species, a further five new amphibian species and four additional fish species were added. You can find out what these are on pages 30 – 31 of the annual report.

The cover and back page of our annual report, showing the new cover design and our partners who supported us in 2023.

In 2023, the first CC annual Advisory Board meeting took place in the Berlin office. Birthplace of the iconic staircase image.

A new class of animals – the reptiles – and new species for CC.

What was actually going on at Citizen Conservation and Frogs Friends in 2023 – a run-through of the year in our Panorama.

There’s also an overview of the work of CC’s shareholder, Frogs Friends.
Targeted numbers almost achieved in the first conservation breeding programmes
2023 was the year in which we almost reached our targets in terms of the number of individuals and holdings for three of our species. Overall, there was a pleasing increase in popularity and growth for CC last year. However, this also means more management and communication work in day-to-day business – something that will continue to increase, which is why we have high hopes for the online population management tool “Wild at Home”, which Frogs Friends is implementing in collaboration with the IT agency marmalade (pages 16 – 17 of the annual report).
CC website relaunch and more
Something you hardly ever see, but which is a huge amount of work, is the technical relaunch of a website. This had become necessary for the CC site and was started in 2023. On this occasion, some new features were added, such as a blog, while at the same time the structure was to be technically streamlined down to simplify operation.
All further information on our presence at conferences and events, the “day-to-day business” in the areas of editing and animal and participant management as well as the preparations for the establishment of a network for the protection of the native Fire Salamander can be found in our annual report, compactly prepared and free to download: annual report 2023.