
Annual report 2023

New Advisory Boards, new animal class, new species – the year 2023 at Citizen Conservation.

News from the Citizen Conservation Blog

Citizen Conservation in Hanover: a house for amphibians

On the initiative of Citizen Conservation, representatives from nature and species conservation, wildlife husbandry and research are coming together to bundle ex-situ and in-situ measures across…

Biannual report 1 / 2024 – Consolidation

Almost all of the new species added to CC in 2023 have now arrived in the participants' aquariums and terrariums. While some of the long-established species are reproducing magnificently.

Feuersalamander.NET – Network for native salamanders

On the initiative of Citizen Conservation, representatives from nature and species conservation, wildlife husbandry and research are coming together to bundle ex-situ and in-situ measures across…

The picture shows the Citizen Conservation advisory boards at the 2024 advisory board meeting.

Berlin Kreuzberg nights … and the days! CC Advisory Board Meeting 2024

A weekend for species conservation: the advisory and supervisory boards of Citizen Conservation met in Berlin to exchange ideas and discuss strategy.

Halbjahresbilanz 2023 Half-year report 2023

Citizen Conservation: 2nd half-year report 2023

New CC species, the first CC reptile and for some species we are approaching our target numbers – the second half-year report 2023 as at 1 September is here.

Artenschutz Aquarium

Species conservation in aquariums

The keeping and breeding of fish in aquariums has a long tradition in Germany, with species conservation becoming increasingly important.